‘Video is essential for us. Zaurus is reliable and simply works well’

Eva-Marijn Stegemann from PsyTrans is pleased with stable solution

Three-quarters of the client conversations at PsyTrans, the gender care organisation founded by Eva-Marijn Stegemann, are conducted via video. Properly functioning technology is therefore essential. After switching to the Enovation Zaurus video solution, Eva-Marijn has been very satisfied with the product.

Eva-Marijn Stegemann van PsyTrans.

Eva-Marijn Stegemann, founder of PsyTrans. (foto: LinkedIn)

PsyTrans is a healthcare organisation that helps people with issues around their gender identity and gender dysphoria. “Clients who come to us have a medical treatment request to better match their body to their perceived gender identity,” explains founder Eva-Marijn Stegemann. “We employ a number of psychologists who conduct the interviews and perform the diagnosis and indications. This may be followed by a referral to a specialist physician. We can also guide and assist them with that process. We work closely with various psychiatrists, hospitals and clinics. Especially with endocrinology departments that offer hormone therapies. And with clinics that perform specific gender care surgeries.”


general image of video PsyTrans

Enovation’s Video solution helps PsyTrans conduct conversations with patients.

The organisation was founded in 2017 to mainly help loved ones of transgender people. In 2021, the company started to grow significantly. “We currently employ 16 people. This includes psychologists and other staff. I don’t want to grow any further than this. But as there are only a handful of organisations in our field that specialise in this niche, we are extremely busy. We always have a registration freeze. Every month, we assess if we have room for new clients. If we do, the green registration button will appear on the website. And every month, we’re fully booked again after 3 minutes…”

Technology must work

Logo PsyTrans

Eva-Marijn is busy running the company, so she has no time or interest whatsoever for technical ‘fuss’. “We used to have a video conference programme, but we experienced nothing but glitches and hassle. And when I called the company, I got more questions than solutions. I was fed up with it. I don’t know much about IT, but I knew that I didn’t want to work with Microsoft Teams or Facetime, because of privacy concerns and because the data is stored abroad. So I continued my search. We were already using ZorgMail, so I was familiar with Enovation. The contact we had was very good. My account manager at Enovation told me about their video solution and we quickly came to an agreement. It only took a few short training sessions to get us started. That is also the great thing about Zaurus: it can do a lot, but it’s not complicated for us and our clients.”

Consultation rooms

PsyTrans uses the Enovation Zaurus video solution for almost all client conversations and for remote conversations between colleagues. “We work nationwide, so video is also important for that reason. I really like Zaurus, especially because we hardly ever experience any malfunctions. What I like about the programme are the so-called ‘consultation rooms’. We simply create a consultation room for each conversation with a client. It’s also nice that it works with an app, so clients can talk to us wherever they are.”


PsyTrans has been using Enovation Zaurus for a year now and is very satisfied. “What I like about Enovation is that it’s a stable company and that the collaboration is good. We rarely experience any malfunctions, and if there’s an issue, it’s quickly addressed and resolved. I’ve never heard any complaints from my colleagues.”

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For more information about the potential of Enovation Zaurus, please contact Enovation.

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