news | 15 October 2024

Bianca Brooijmans joins board of Enovation as COO

Bianca Brooijmans will become Chief Operational Officer (COO) on Enovation Group’s board from 1 November 2024. She is currently head of Legal & Compliance at the company. As COO, she will retain ultimate responsibility for the company’s Legal & Compliance from the board and will also be responsible for the integration, coordination and operation of various Enovation processes.

Bianca Brooijmans COO Enovation Group.

Bianca Brooijmans joins board Enovation as COO.

Bianca Brooijmans (50) comes from Enovation’s own ranks and that is an advantage. ‘She knows the organisation inside out and has already fulfilled many roles within Enovation,’ says CEO Marcel van der Velden. ‘Moreover, she is very tenacious in her work. We are delighted that she is coming to strengthen the board.’

For Brooijmans, the change does mean a new role, but does not directly change the day-to-day collaboration. ‘In my current role, I already advise the board continuously,’ she says. ‘Together with Dré Lameir, our CTO, I have been making sure that Enovation acts properly in terms of privacy and compliance for years. Dré more from the technical side and I from the business/legal side. Because I already work so closely together, it doesn’t feel like a very big change yet. That being said, I think it’s a wonderful new challenge, because I love the current team.’

In a nutshell

In 2000, Bianca started in the sales department as a sales support assistant. She soon developed a keen interest in customer relations. Through various positions, she grew towards more legal and compliance tasks. After the introduction of the AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) in 2016-2018, this became increasingly important and thus the Legal & Compliance department was created. ‘Information security and data protection is a key value at Enovation. It is inseparable from business operations and operational processes. I love managing that.’


Brooijmans has been with Enovation for almost 25 years. In the year 2000, she started in the sales department. She soon took a keen interest in the parts related to customer contact. Through various positions, she grew towards the privacy & legal department, which became increasingly important after the introduction of the AVG in 2016-2018. ‘Information security and data protection is the umbrella under which everything Enovation stands. Secure exchange of patient data is the essence of our business. It is inseparable from business and operational processes. I like the playing field in which Enovation moves: it is a commercial company, but with a lot of social value for the healthcare industry. I really like what we do for healthcare.’

When Bianca Brooijmans joins the board, it will consist of the following members from 1 November 2024 on:

  • Marcel van der Velden – CEO
  • Dré Lameir – CTO
  • Johan Vos – CPO
  • Teis Leenders – CFO
  • Bianca Brooijmans – COO
  • Jeroen van Rijswijk – Advisor to the board