Medication safety

Safe care thanks to electronic prescription, medication administration registration and complete medication-related information in the chain.

Preventable medication incidents

Incidents involving medication still occur too frequently. Especially among vulnerable people, such as the elderly, who are frequently treated for multiple conditions by different healthcare providers.

According to the Nictiz centre of expertise, many hospital admissions can be prevented by more effective medication monitoring. In the Netherlands, over 1,200 people a week are admitted to hospital as a result of medication-related incidents – almost half of these are preventable.

Let’s take the example of patients with impaired kidney function. Medication-related incidents arise when a patient with an impaired kidney function is prescribed a drug at the wrong dosage. According to the Nierstichting/Dutch Kidney Foundation, roughly 1.7 million people have chronic kidney damage and medication-related incidents result in hundreds of avoidable hospital admissions.

Medication-related incidents occur when medication is prescribed and healthcare professionals deviate from protocols because there is a lack of accurate and up-to-date information and insufficient effective digital support.

A digital medication prescription process

The electronic prescription is mandatory for doctors within the Dutch healthcare system. The prescribing party is supervised in the process by pre-programmed protocols. The electronic prescription system can pro-actively advise, generate medication proposals during the prescription process and issue warnings to the prescribing party in the event of deviation from protocols. It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough to ensure medication safety throughout the entire medication process.

More accurate insight into medication data enhances medication safety and can prevent a large percentage of hospital admissions, as well a significant degree of human suffering.

More accurate insight, for example, in pharmacies when verifying the prescribed medication dose. By giving pharmacists electronic access to relevant lab results and information on the kidney function of patients, many medication-related incidents can be prevented.

Having insight into in a patient’s current list of medications, access to the digital dispensing list, and – if necessary – to a digital medication check, can also prevent many mistakes, make the process run much more efficiently, including in settings when medication is administered by a nurse at a client’s home.

The solutions of Medication safety

Enovation has developed a platform that conveniently connects the regional healthcare networks and includes all the key functionalities you need for your organisation.

Medication Administration

Up-to-date insight into which medication should be administered when and by whom, or what has already been administered.

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Medication Prescription

Optimal medication safety by efficient and fast electronic prescribing of medication. Sending structured messages between the information systems of, for example, GPs, pharmacists and hospitals.

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Connect safe and simple to the National Switch Point (LSP) with your healthcare system.

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View medical images, reports, documents, basic healthcare data set and lab results.

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Sending structured messages between the information systems of, for example, GPs, pharmacists and hospitals.

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The connected care benefits of Medication safety