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news | 07 March 2025

RijnmondNet and Enovation add to years of cooperation

RijnmondNet, a Dutch foundation for care networking, and Enovation renewed their mutual partner agreement at the end of January. With the signing of this agreement, thousands of healthcare professionals in the Rotterdam region are guaranteed reliable support from both parties in the digital exchange of medical data through Secure Email and Transfer.

Rijnmondnet en Enovation verlengen samenwerking.

Lennard van Deursen, Maarten Wittop Koning en Joke Koops toasted on the contract renewal between Rijnmondnet en Enovation.

RijnmondNet and Enovation have been working together in the field of digital healthcare for more than 25 years. For healthcare in the region, it is good news that the arrangements between Rijnmondnet and Enovation are once again guaranteed for the coming period. With the knowledge and experience of both organisations, affiliated healthcare professionals are ensured of the best possible support for ICT solutions.

Secure email and transfer

By using Enovation’s Secure Email platform, RijnmondNet members can send emails and exchange medical data in a secured way. This entails more than just sending emails via the ZorgMail community – it also involves new agreements on Enovation Transfer.

This enables hospitals and NHC (nursing and home care) institutions in particular to ensure the safe and effective transfer of patients (and their medical data!) between different healthcare institutions. Enovation Transfer not only provides a capacity tracker and ensures a smooth transfer, but also delivers valuable data that enables healthcare institutions to make well-informed policy decisions.

This will ensure that healthcare providers are well prepared for the implementation of eOverdracht (eTransfer, a Dutch national project), which is currently being rolled out in the region.

Central agreements are essential for quality care

RijnmondNet is an organisation that coordinates central agreements with hospitals, NHC institutions, GPs (including out-of-hours services), laboratories and paramedics, among others. These arrangements ensure that data exchange takes place efficiently and effectively, with collaboration in chain care as a key aspect. The RijnmondNet Foundation offers secure, reliable services, as well as support for transmural data exchange.

Maarten Wittop Koning (Director of RijnmondNet), Lennard van Deursen (Director of Enovation Netherlands) and Joke Koops (Strategic Alliance Manager at Enovation) are delighted that the cooperation has been renewed. Enovation and RijnmondNet foresee further growth in the use of Secure Email and Enovation Transfer and by signing this agreement, data exchange for the region will remain in trusted hands for years to come.

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