Connect to Care: remote care and regional coordination

09 November 2023 | Van der Valk Hotel Nuland - 'S Hertogenbosch, Rijksweg 25, 5391 LH Nuland |

Connect to Care: remote care and regional coordination

Dutch national programmes such as the IZA, GALA and WOZO, they all appeal to the transformations needed in care. The principles of more care at home, regional orientation and digital care have an impact on the way healthcare organisations are currently organised. We see many initiatives, but how do we ensure that these initiatives fit well together?

The first step starts with knowledge sharing. Enovation and some of its partners would like to take you through leading initiatives to flesh out these transformations in healthcare. In the break-out sessions, we challenge you to think along and provide tools for solutions.

Plenary Sessions:
Teun Jonkers (NAAST-ZCN) – In an inspiring presentation, you will get a look at the ‘lessons learned’ and how the medical service centre can support healthcare organisations with remote care.
Wilma Bijsterbosch (UMCU) – Hospital Displaced Care.

There will also be two rounds of break-out sessions on:
– Successful implementation of digital care at the client’s home.
– Keep a grip on patients at home when scaling up remote care.
– Regional Coordination Points and capacity insight.
– Digital care pathways.

For whom
This event is aimed at people in healthcare who deal with (digital) transformations and the future of their organisation on a daily basis.

Please note that the number of places is limited to allow everyone’s input to achieve the best result. Therefore, register as soon as possible.

Van der Valk Hotel Nuland – ‘S Hertogenbosch, Rijksweg 25, 5391 LH Nuland

Thursday, November 9 09:30 – 14:00.