Patient discharge is not the end of the process, but a vital step in the patient journey

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Everyone has the right to grow up safe.

A digital collaboration instrument for professionals to align services and deliver timely care to children and youth.

Signal is part of our MULTIsignaal product.

Prevention through better collaboration

1 out of every 12 youths in the Netherlands receives youth care. Youths also receive other types of support so they can grow up safely and in good health. Unfortunately, not all problems are preventable and adults’ problems can have an impact on children. If you, as a healthcare professional, notice that a child or youth needs assistance, it’s important that you report it so they can receive support in a timely manner.

To give the right support as a professional, it’s useful to know what other professionals are involved in providing care. Especially if it concerns several care areas, it’s crucial to work together early on in the process.


By giving a signal, you can quickly contact other healthcare professionals in youth care and social services. This means you can provide the right support to the youth and their family. It’s good to know if the family has any other issues to prevent giving contradictory advice.

Contacting their school or mental health services could also be important to get a complete picture. Young people spend a lot of time at school and if there is an issue with their personal development, the school will usually notice. This can prevent school absenteeism or the further escalation of the situation, which could lead to a more serious care intervention.

Signalling supports the healthcare process

  • Engagement

    Professionals connect with other professionals they previously were unable to contact.

  • Connection
  • Nationwide coverage
  • Family functionalities
  • Time saving
  • 1 family, 1 plan

Find out what Signaling can offer you.

Read more in the leaflet

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Interested in learning more on how to collaborate better in healthcare? Feel free to contact us!

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