Patient discharge is not the end of the process, but a vital step in the patient journey

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Enovation lspConnect

Use the generic connector to connect information systems to the National Exchange Point (LSP).

Hassle-free connection to the LSP

With Enovation lspConnect, you immediately meet many of the well-managed healthcare system (GBZ) requirements of a healthcare information system.

To connect an information system to the LSP, this system must meet strict requirements. With Enovation lspConnect, you already meet many of the well-managed healthcare system (GBZ) requirements of a healthcare information system. In addition, Enovation guides (healthcare) organisations through the qualification and acceptance process. This ensures faster acceptance by VZVZ, making it easier to connect your clients to the LSP.

lspConnect and lspViewer

Enovation supports healthcare organisations with access to the LSP via lspConnect in combination with its own information system and via lspViewer.

24/7 access to current medical data

Healthcare providers view medical data needed to treat a patient via the LSP. This includes key data from the GP’s records and a summary of medication taken. This gives doctors and pharmacies an insight into up-to-date patient information.


Accessing patient data via lspViewer

With lspViewer, healthcare providers request up-to-date medical information via the LSP via their browser and with their UZI pass. This gives them access to medication dispensed and data on Intolerances, Contraindications & Allergies (ICA). Healthcare providers can also use lspViewer to mandate colleagues to retrieve data.

The advantages of Enovation lspConnect

  • Save time on GBZ qualification

    With Enovation lspConnect, you immediately meet many of the GBZ requirements.

  • Complete solution for healthcare providers

    Connection to the LSP via our GZN is a standard part of our service. This means you can offer healthcare providers a complete solution.

  • No additional maintenance required

    Maintenance of additional systems and applications is not required.

    Enovation lspConnect is a SaaS service and we make sure that this is available and up to date.

  • 24/7 access to the LSP

    Network connections and systems are continuously monitored, allowing your clients to determine what information to make available 24/7.

  • Hosting services

    With its GZN, Enovation provides a secure connection between healthcare systems and the National Exchange Point.

  • Save time on GBZ qualification

    With Enovation lspConnect, you immediately meet many of the GBZ requirements.

  • Complete solution for healthcare providers

    Connection to the LSP via our GZN is a standard part of our service. This means you can offer healthcare providers a complete solution.

  • No additional maintenance required

    Maintenance of additional systems and applications is not required.

    Enovation lspConnect is a SaaS service and we make sure that this is available and up to date.

  • 24/7 access to the LSP

    Network connections and systems are continuously monitored, allowing your clients to determine what information to make available 24/7.

  • Hosting services

    With its GZN, Enovation provides a secure connection between healthcare systems and the National Exchange Point.

Want to know if Enovation lspConnect is also linked to your information system or device?

See our partners for Enovation lspConnect

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