news | 15 November 2023

Job satisfaction and advancement opportunities: Oguz and Angela on working for Enovation

Oguz Bozdere has enjoyed working at Enovation for two years now. His colleague Angela de Leeuw has been here a little longer, about four years now. What drives them? And what makes working for Enovation worthwhile for them? They are happy to tell you! 

“How I ended up at Enovation? Through a former classmate, I heard a lot of positive stories about the company,” says Oguz. “Thanks to this classmate, I discovered that Enovation is a good fit with my studies: Healthcare, Technology and Domotics. I get very excited about optimising healthcare. Enovation excels in that: by providing digital solutions in healthcare, we create possibilities. For example, think of personal alarms, video calling and insight to medical data for all care workers involved.”

Currently, as a project manager, Oguz is involved in managing projects within Enovation. However he once started as an Integration Consultant. “If you want to, you can make great steps forward within this company,” he says enthusiastically. “Because of the independence you are given here, you are quick to go the extra mile. Sometimes I feel like going home at the end of the day, but I decide to send some e-mails anyway. And actually that always gives me another positive boost.”


Career opportunities within Enovation

Oguz’s colleague Angela is also well suited at Enovation. In recent years, she has focused on secure mail systems in the healthcare sector. As an example, she cites an innovation in mail traffic in healthcare. “Some time ago, we switched from a log in with a username and password, to a log in with a passage-id and using two-step verification. That was a big improvement in service but, as always, change takes a lot of time. Anything new takes time to land. And so does this change. I noticed that our customers really had to get used to the renewed service. But the functionality has now proved its worth: all information is now even more secure. The fact that we all managed to pull this off gives me a positive vibe!”

Angela is most proud of the steps she has already taken within Enovation. “I have already held various positions within the company. That shows that Enovation is really open to staff growth. If you want to, there definitely is room for personal growth. I myself once started in the Service & Support department. Then I joined the User Administration department, and now I am part of the Service Delivery Management department. Where there is a will, there is a way!”


Working with pleasure

Both Angela and Oguz can talk endlessly about Enovation’s services, which they are proud of. But just as important, Oguz thinks it is fun to work there. “At Enovation, the atmosphere between colleagues is very good. This is partly because of the many organized activities outside of work. Everyone gets to play a part in them. I myself set up the annual table football championship for colleagues. This championship lasted a week and the competitiveness of the colleagues was so high that it was the talk of the day for a week!”

If you ask Oguz about his favourite moment from two years at Enovation. Then he mostly laughs about the pub quiz during the beach event. “One of the teams was eavesdropping our team . My plan: deliberately call out wrong answers. As a result, they ended up finishing below us. Fun moments like that with colleagues are very valuable to me!”


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