Patient discharge is not the end of the process, but a vital step in the patient journey

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Public sector

Municipalities, ambulance services and public care organisations benefit from the secure digital solutions provided by Enovation.

Protecting citizens from health risks

National and regional health services must be able to respond rapidly and adequately in the event of emergencies or disasters. Both to provide resources and capacity, on the one hand, and to offer health prevention and safety on the other hand,  in tandem with national developments and implemented at the regional level.

Accurate and secure data processing is essential. Correctly recording, storing and sharing medical data is crucial to the diligent execution of the public duty and should protect the privacy of individuals.

With an extensive community of over 25,000 healthcare professionals, Enovation provides impactful communication solutions on a nationwide scale – both in a structured form via integrated healthcare systems and in an unstructured form via secure email applications.

Every day we are ‘connected’ with over 10,000 citizens – through apps, portals and messaging applications. Designed and built for the healthcare sector. This means complying with the highest information security standards.

What kind of solutions do we offer?

We provide a wide range of smart solutions aimed at optimising public sector services. Solutions to provide citizens with fast and appropriate assistance.

Check these links to learn more about the solutions we offer.

Who can we help?

  • Regional Ambulance Service (RAV)
  • Municipal Public Health Services (GGD) and Regional Medical Emergency Preparedness and Planning (GHOR) regions
  • Municipal Social Support Act (Wmo) desks
  • Public care organisations

Want to know what our platform can do for your organisation?

Call us on +44 (0)8445 611814 or send a message.

Contact us to discuss the best options.

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